LG and Qualcomm Join Forces to Pioneer WebOS Auto

LG and Qualcomm Join Forces to Pioneer WebOS Auto

LG Electronics and Qualcomm Technologies are teaming up to enhance WebOS Auto, which is LG’s connected car infotainment system. By combining the power of WebOS Auto and Qualcomm’s Snapdragon automotive development platform (ADP), the two companies aim to improve the in-car experience for both drivers and passengers.

WebOS Auto is a Linux-based system built on LG’s extensive know-how in vehicle infotainment. The newly released WebOS Open Source Edition 2.0 adds automotive functionality and gives developers a preview of the features planned for WebOS Auto. Developers can access the open-source code, tools, and guides at http://webosose.org.

The Snapdragon ADP brings AI capabilities, high-resolution graphics, multiple display configurations, and HD media streaming technologies to the table. It’s designed to offer a robust environment for developing high-performance, energy-efficient automotive cockpit platforms, including entertainment systems for passengers and rear-seat displays.

IP Park, president and CTO of LG Electronics, stated, “We highly value this collaboration with Qualcomm. With the latest technologies such as 5G networks and multimedia, customers will get the same entertainment experience in their cars as they do at home. Together, WebOS and Snapdragon ADP will create a powerful hardware and software platform for future vehicle infotainment systems.”

Beyond just advancing WebOS Auto, LG and Qualcomm will also work on a reference platform that LG plans to unveil at CES in Las Vegas this January.

Jim Cathey, senior vice president at Qualcomm Technologies, expressed confidence in the partnership, saying, “This collaboration builds on our long-standing successful relationship with LG, creating a remarkable synergy in next-generation automotive software. We believe our combined expertise will deliver top-notch in-vehicle experiences that customers are looking for.”

The collaboration aims to push the boundaries of what in-car infotainment can offer, providing a seamless and advanced experience for future vehicles.
