NXP Ignites the Passion of Student Innovators

NXP Ignites the Passion of Student Innovators

NXP is proud to support two university projects in the Netherlands that have used its chips to create innovative vehicles.

The Eindhoven University of Technology has unveiled what they claim is the world’s first structural bio-based car. Their team of 22 students built a car named Lina. This four-seater car weighs around 350kg. Team member Quinten Oostvogel explained, “Car manufacturers are using more aluminum and carbon fiber to make lighter cars, but these materials require six times more energy to produce than steel. We’ve developed a bio-composite from flax that’s lightweight, strong, and sustainable, and we’ve used it to build the chassis, body, and interior.”

He added that with global CO2 levels above 400ppm and more than seventy million cars being built each year, the automotive industry needs to take action. “But using materials like aluminum isn’t the answer,” Oostvogel said. “Flax, grown in temperate climates, is very strong.” NXP contributed by providing electronics for the drivetrain and battery monitoring system. The project took about two years from concept to unveiling.

Meanwhile, the Green Team Twente from Twente University celebrated their win in the hydrogen class of the Shell Eco-Marathon with their hydrogen-powered car, the H2Infinity. This fully electric vehicle features a Formula One-inspired steering wheel and can be controlled wirelessly. The 19-member team, coming from nine disciplines and seven nationalities, built the car to emphasize fuel efficiency over speed. Team manager Vitto Bonnemayers said, “Our goal isn’t to go fast, but to cover the longest distance using the least energy. We chose hydrogen because it only produces water vapor, refuels quickly, and is safe to store.”

NXP provided the teams with technology, products, and engineering support, including consultancy from hundreds of engineers. Olivier Cotterreau, NXP’s vice president, commented that the teams are “pushing the limits of innovation.” He emphasized the importance of inspiring future generations, saying, “We have no future if we’re not inspiring the next generation. We want to inspire them and let them inspire us.”
